Yunus Hoosen
Head of Invest South Africa
The Doing Business in South Africa website is an initiative of the Department of Trade Industry and Competition which delivers a toolkit to support enterprise development across the lifecycle of a business. It has emerged from the collaboration between various departments of the Government of South Africa to improve the business environment and eliminate administrative and bureaucratic red tape. This very easy to use and authoritative website focuses on what entrepreneurs may require at various stages in the lifecycle of a business and provides support tools in the form of, practical guidance, forms, templates, available business development support resources and details of applicable legislation and regulations. Special thanks are due to the IFC, which has actively supported the business environment reforms of the Government of South Africa.
A business information resource for start ups, SMEs and large business that supports the whole business life-cycle.
The Ease of Doing Business programme in South Africa focused a lot on the World Bank’s Doing Business indicators which is based on a hypothetical case study that is not entirely relevant to a SME in South Africa. This endeavour has led Invest SA, in partnership with the World Bank Group to develop this website for entrepreneurs, business owners, SMEs, large business and anyone in South Africa who is thinking about starting a business and operating a business. It has all the information from business procedures, related costs and time, to business regulations for the entire life cycle of a business.
Commissioner at Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
Following from its launch of the transformational BizPortal, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) has been a proud partner in the development and operationalization of the Doing Business in South Africa website. The website is a business-centric and responsive platform that covers the entire life-cycle of a business. It brings together and seeks to foster partnerships with all related government departments thereby removing red-tape, simplifying regulatory compliance and making it easy for businesses to understand business procedures as per South Africa’s legislation and regulations. CIPC would like to acknowledge support received for the deployment of BizPortal from IFC and its development partners (UKPF and SECO).